The Workplace Bully

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Director, Business Analyst and Legal Consultant at PBC Group

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A workplace bully is someone who repeatedly and intentionally behaves in a way that causes harm or distress to another person in a workplace setting. This behaviour can take many forms, including verbal abuse, intimidation, humiliation, isolation, and sabotage of work. Workplace bullying can be carried out by anyone in a position of power, such as a supervisor or manager, or by a colleague or co-worker.

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Workplace bullying is a significant issue that can have far-reaching consequences for both individuals and organizations. As an expert and consultant to a managing director of a medium-sized company, it is important to understand what a workplace bully is, the typical traits of a bully, and what tactics can be employed to eradicate bullying in the workplace, particularly top-down bullying.

What is a Workplace Bully?

A workplace bully is someone who repeatedly and intentionally engages in behaviors that cause harm or distress to other employees. This behavior can take many forms, such as verbal abuse, physical intimidation, exclusion, and manipulation, among others. Workplace bullies can be anyone in a position of power, including managers and supervisors, as well as colleagues and subordinates.

Typical Traits of a Workplace Bully

Workplace bullies often display a range of traits that enable them to engage in bullying behavior, including a desire for power and control, a lack of empathy for others, and a tendency to manipulate and exploit those around them. According to Namie and Namie (2018), some typical traits of a workplace bully include:

  • A need for control and domination
  • A lack of empathy or concern for others
  • A tendency to manipulate and exploit others
  • A willingness to lie or distort the truth to achieve their objectives
  • An ability to charm or manipulate others to gain their support
  • A tendency to use aggression or threats to intimidate others
  • A tendency to scapegoat or blame others for their own mistakes or shortcomings

Tactics of Workplace Bullies

Workplace bullies employ a range of tactics to achieve their objectives, which can be detrimental to their targets and the organization as a whole. These tactics may include:

  • Verbal abuse, such as shouting, belittling, or making derogatory comments
  • Physical intimidation, such as invading personal space or using aggressive body language
  • Exclusion or isolation, such as withholding information or ignoring a person’s presence
  • Cyberbullying, such as sending abusive emails or making derogatory comments on social media
  • Sabotage, such as destroying or stealing work-related materials
  • Manipulation, such as playing one person against another to achieve a desired outcome

Eradicating Workplace Bullying

To eradicate bullying in the workplace, particularly top-down bullying, the managing director must take a proactive approach that involves the following tactics:

  1. Establish clear policies and procedures: Clear policies and procedures should be established that outline what constitutes bullying and how it will be addressed within the organization.
  2. Create a culture of respect and inclusivity: The organization should promote a culture of respect and inclusivity that values and supports all employees.
  3. Train employees: Employees should be trained to recognize and report bullying, and managers must be trained to identify and address bullying behavior.
  4. Investigate and take appropriate action: Reports of bullying should be investigated promptly and objectively, and appropriate action should be taken to address the behavior.
  5. Lead by example: The managing director should model the behavior they want to see in the workplace and demonstrate a commitment to eradicating bullying.


Workplace bullying can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations, and it is important to understand what a workplace bully is, the typical traits of a bully, and what tactics can be employed to eradicate bullying in the workplace. By establishing clear policies and procedures, promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity, training employees, investigating and taking appropriate action, and leading by example, the managing director can create a safe and healthy work environment that benefits everyone.


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Namie, G., & Namie, R. (2018). The bully at work: What you can do to stop the hurt and reclaim your dignity on the job. Sourcebooks, Inc.